Dog Walking
Having your dog walked at a regular time not only helps with toilet training etc, but also gets them used to a routine that fits in with your lifestyle.
During your free consultation we can discuss your dog's requirements and the walk will be tailored to this. So whether it be a run across the fields or a gentle stroll in the park, we will make sure your dog has fun a plenty of attention. We either walk them on a one to one basis, or pair them with a suitable friend.
Cat Visits
Cats can become easily stressed if they are placed in an alien environment, so this service is designed to allow your cat to stay at home whilst you are away. There is also the security of having a daily visit to your home. During the visit your cat will be made a fuss of, fed and litter trays cleaned out.
Small Pets
A daily visit to your pet so they can be fed, cleaned out, and cuddled of course. (Fish are free of charge if included in a visit to another pet.
Dog Sitting
If you have a puppy, or a dog that hates being left on it's own, or you want a day or evening out, we will come to your home and sit with them until you return. This way your four-legged friend will not get up to mischief or be lonely. Daycare is also particularly good for blind or elderly dogs.