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About me

My life has always been involved with animals, from a young child I have always had pets of my own. I was a Veterinary Nurse for 13 years and learnt how to care for a large variety of animals. The practice I worked at was heavily involved with the RSPCA and so I was privileged to look after all different kinds of British Wildlife such as foxes, badgers and birds. My fondest memory was a rather splendid heron, which had to be fed on a daily diet of fish heads. Whilst working at the vets, I was always bringing different animals home to nurse back to health and it was wonderful to see the transformation.

Setting up a dog walking business seemed a natural progression, 20 years later, I am still loving it and can't think of anything I'd rather be doing.

I always felt it was my vocation to work with animals and I feel very lucky and honoured that dream has been fulfilled.

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Dogs Running
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